Z-5652 Ultra may be small, but it’s big on performance.The 2D scan module is complete in every detail and has all the functionalities required to get the jobs done. The great features include exceptional motion tolerance, high speed scanning, and enhanced readability on reflective surfaces.All in all, it’s an ideal device for those looking to boost productivity through automation.
For those worry about the scan module not working on their system, we have the solution. With the specially developed VirtualCom Command sets, Z-5652 Ultra allows users to perform parameter settings through their own system software. The great function lets users control the scan module directly and eliminates potential incompatibility issues. In addition,Z-5652 Ultra also thrives in the laboratory environments. Laboratory staffs will find Z-5652 Ultra highly effective in reading GS1 and FMD labels, which would strongly influence the success of the test outcome.
As you can imagine, integrating Z-5652Ultra can be as easy as plug and play. It’s small and can fit in tiny spaces other bulkier machines can’t. Also, it is reliable and supports healthcarelabels. The speed and performance of the Z-5652 Ultra will enable moreintuitive and efficient workflows and cut your work time down significantly.All things considered, Z-5652 Ultra is the perfect solution to improve your operational efficiency, and it is definitely a product you should consider.